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Benefits of a Shelf Company
Aquire larger contracts and Government tenders
Get approved for larger Bank Loans
Smoother business operations
مرحبًا بك في Get Ahead Financial Group، المزود الموثوق به للشركات الجاهزة التي تقدم ميزة تنافسية. شركاتنا خالية من الديون ولديها دفاتر محاضر منظمة وتتمتع بسمعة طيبة. من خلال الاستحواذ على واحدة، يمكنك الحصول على تاريخ تجاري قوي ومصداقية متزايدة وصورة محسنة، مما يفتح الأبواب أمام القروض المصرفية والعقود التي تتطلب سنًا أدنى.

What is a Shelf Company?A shelf corporation is a company that has been created but not yet utilized, remaining on the "shelf" until it is bought. Having a shelf corporation offers benefits like a built-in business history, which can boost your business image and increase visibility, facilitating the process of obtaining loans and financing as the corporation matures.
How much are Shelf Corporations?The price of shelf corporations rises with the age of the corporation. This is because an older company requires more years of maintenance and possesses greater credibility by virtue of its age.
How old are your Shelf Corporations?We sell shelf corporations that are aged between 6 months and 20 years old.
Can I choose my own name for the Corporation?Should you want to modify the corporation, such as changing the legal name or the head office jurisdiction, options will be provided at the time of purchase.
Are there purchase requirements?Anyone can purchase a shelf company as long as they are Canadian residents. B.C. shelf corporations can be purchased by non-residents
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